The desired effect of CM and UX activities is to keep theuser on the website and persuade him to perform a specific action. Therefore,the website must inspire trust and provide something more than just an industryentry or a product or service offered. Good content is not enough if thewebsite has an outdated design and is difficult to use. Just as a modernlydesigned website with simple navigation without attractive materials will notmeet your needs. Only joint efforts of both fields will lead to offering theuser a pleasant and engaging experience. Moreover, both UX and contentmarketing aspects take an active part in optimizing the website in accordancewith SEO principles. And all this translates into better functioning of thewebsite, its greater visibility and the achievement of established businessgoals.
A graphic showing the content strategy cycle The 7 Phone Number List mostimportant content and UX factors in a blog article that will help you attractusers for longer As with other websites, creating a blog that will besuccessful online requires more than just a catchy topic. At this point, youshould also focus on the interaction of content and UX, and understand thedifference between reading online and reading printed texts. First of all, whenconsuming content on the Internet, the speed of access to information isimportant. This is not a time to relax with a magazine or a book, but a need tofind what you need at a given moment. Because the user is in a hurry, he doesnot read the article from cover to cover, but scans for the most importantnews. It is therefore important that it is written in simple language andcontains elements that make it easier to navigate: a table of contents linkingto the headings, a lead indicating specific issues, or clear headings informingabout what will be found under them.
Moreover, when using a browser, everyone has a certainintention according to which they are looking for answers. Therefore, thearticle should follow it precisely. View the same website on different devicesHow can the above knowledge be realistically translated into proper articledesign in line with UX principles? Here are the 7 most important determinantsto remember: 1. Consistent appearance of the blog Coherence is, above all,maintaining continuity and consistency, which translates into an understandablereception. Everyone feels safer in an ordered space than in chaos. The sameapplies to blog subpages, which should adopt an appropriate scheme - colors,font type and size, iconography, buttons, functions and arrangement ofindividual elements. For example, if we place a button at the bottom of thepage that allows you to go to the next article, it should be in exactly thesame place in each entry.